Easy 5-Step Morning Self-Care Routine

Your morning self-care routine makes all the difference in how your day goes. Today, I’m sharing my morning self-care routine and show you how 30 minutes every morning can transform your entire day.

I’m religious about my morning self-care routine. I’m not a morning person, which means my morning self-care routine is crucial. My morning self-care routine helps keep me ahead of my day so that I’m not easily annoyed or frustrated. It keeps me grounded.

I share snippets of my morning self-care routine on my InstaStories — follow me on Instagram and watch!

My Morning Self-Care Routine

Wake Up Early

I wake up 2 hours earlier than the rest of my family. This really sets the precedence for the rest of my day and my routine. As a mother of 4, trying to get my morning self-care routine done when the kids are awake, is a struggle because I need that quiet, so waking up earlier helps me get that done.

Time With God / Read My Bible

My spiritual relationship is super important to me and has a great influence on my life. If I don’t spend time in the morning talking with God, praying, and reading my Bible, I feel like my entire day is off. This time allows me to dump all of my worries and stresses and leave them.


If you follow me on Instagram, you see me post my affirmations daily. Affirmations help me to set a positive atmosphere for my day. I speak words of positivity over myself, my family, my business, and my finances. The power of life and death lies in the tongue. With that, I’ve learned to speak positively over every area of my life and I do so every morning with affirmations.

Scripting / Manifesting

A few years ago, I fell into the world of manifesting and The Law of Attraction. To say I was skeptical is a bit of an understatement, however, I’m a true believer now and scripting has become a major part of my morning self-care routine. Not familiar with scripting? Scripting is basically writing out your life as you want it but in the present tense. I currently have my eyes, heart, and mind set on a new home and am using scripting to manifest it into my life. Every morning, I write out how my day will go in the new house.


The last thing I do in my morning self-care routine is to meditate. I use guided meditation apps — Insight Timer and Headspace are my favorite. It doesn’t need to be anything too time-consuming; sitting and doing some deep breaths while visualizing your day is extremely powerful!

The goal with my morning self-care routine is to simply connect with myself on some level.

Avoid perfection when it comes to your morning self-care routine. Try just one activity from the list above and I promise you it will shift your day positively.

Need to know why you need a self-care plan? Read Why You Need A Self-Care Plan and How To Create One.

Do you have a morning routine and if so, what do you include in yours? Let me know in the comments.

Welcome to BrittHarris.co! I'm Brittany, The Internet Hustlin' Mama. I help you live a less stressful, more fulfilled, impactful life full of joy without sacrificing how you show up for your family.

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