6 Self-Care Questions To Ask Yourself Daily

Have you been struggling? Maybe feeling a little off? Or have you been feeling like something is missing? Girl, me too! I’m sure all of us have felt this way at some point. You’ve been stressed. Anxious. Even hangry because you gave in to the overwhelm of motherhood and just life in general. 

But there’s good news! You don’t have to stay in that funk. Oh no, ma’am! I’m sharing six self-care questions to ask yourself daily to help narrow down exactly what is going on and give ourselves exactly what we need at the time we need it.

Six Self-Care Questions To Ask Yourself Daily

  1. Did I eat today? I know it seems pretty simple, right? There have been days where I haven’t tasted a piece of food all day and look up and it’s 6 PM. I’ve had to start setting timers to remind myself to eat. Nourish your body. Make a conscious effort to eat something throughout the day.
  2. Am I hydrated? Staying hydrated is extremely important. I strive daily to drink a gallon of water, but often times than not I’ll want to reach for something sugary and sweet. Every day isn’t a perfect I drank all the water kind of day, but I am making an effort to be more mindful of what I put into my body. 
  3. Have I moved my body? Just the act of physical helps me to reconnect with myself. It releases all those feel-good endorphins that make you feel happy, less stressed, and more at peace.
  4. How do I feel? Am I anxious, angry, excited, depressed, happy, peaceful? Sometimes we are so preoccupied or caught up in the moment that we forget to be present, we forget to feel. I am guilty of this myself. I often find myself distracting myself with social media because I’m honestly running away from how I’m feeling. I tend to run away from my feelings. Feelings are NOT facts. Feelings are often warning signs. They are alerting you to what’s happening inside. I had to stop running away from how I was feeling and acknowledge it. Once I’ve acknowledged it, then I can address it and get to the real root of the feeling and how it came to be.
  5. Would taking a mindful moment be beneficial for me right now? For me that looks like for me is being quiet alone and just being in the moment. I’m not worried about emails, texts, to-do lists – none of it. I just leave all of that where it is and have a moment for just me, with me.
  6. What else do I need? What do I need right now to be good, to stop worrying? Take a moment to figure out what it is you need and coming up with a solution to fix it. And if we’re being honest, sometimes there isn’t a solution. But we can acknowledge the issue and make an action plan to tackle it. Just working through this process is so relieving and a huge weight lifted off your shoulders.

This isn’t an all inclusive list but it is a good baseline to start. These questions help me stay centered when I start to feel like life is becoming a little too much. I highly suggest adding daily check-ins to your self-care kit. Haven’t created your self-care kit, yet? I teach you all the reasons why you needs self-care plan and how to create one in, Why You Need A Self-Care Plan and How To Create One.

Welcome to BrittHarris.co! I'm Brittany, The Internet Hustlin' Mama. I help you live a less stressful, more fulfilled, impactful life full of joy without sacrificing how you show up for your family.

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